Nov 10, 2009

Churaumi Aquarium (沖縄美ら海水族館)

One of my main motives to visit Okinawa
(the beach was #1 but a huge storm hit Okinawa)
Storm. So unlucky.

Entrance to the aquarium.

This fish is... unattractive. haha.

Sea turtle.

Leopard print Ray. Stylish.

THIS is the main reason for my visit.
Could stare at this the whole day...

Such an elegant beauty...
Dreaming until the day I get to swim with one!
(notice the huge Manta Ray in the back)
Found this amazing video that features this aquarium.
So soothing.

1 comment:

Mama Mia said...

yes! I wanted to visit that aquarium after I watched that video too. Ryo and I wanted to swim with Whale sharks, thats why we got our scuba license in Belize. But the whale sharks are in super deep water and rare to find while scuba-ing. I didn't get to meet any... I wish i can visit that aquarium! AWESOME!!!!