Mar 23, 2010

Sakura Fever

Sakura fever is in full effect!
Starbucks has Sakura Frappuccinos, Macarons and Biscottis...
My order? An Americano. Ha.
Sakura Matcha Kit Kat.
Didn't try these either.
Japanese people send Sakura cards?
My friend persuaded me into trying this
Sakura & Cherry Chu-hi.
It tasted like cough syrup... but the can is cute.
Fancy beer cans.
'Mankai' (or full bloom) Sakura is scheduled for next week!
So excited for my first ever hanami!

The weather has been so unstable recently,
I've come down with a cold.
Currently battling it with hot ginger & honey.
It better be gone before hanami!


Mama Mia said...

im going to Japan on Tuesday! Perfect timing to see the sakura~ yeay!!!!

grant t said...

o... hanamika- iina. sounds like alot of fun. Ive never been to a hanami... i always get stuck going to japan in the blistering heat or the frigid cold.

sakura frapuccino tte donna aji nanoka tamesitemitaine....

btw, how in the world is that one beer 197 yen? zettai happoushu desho.. i cant believe beer in japan could be that cheap. i remember regular beer was like 5-600 yen for a tiny can...