Jul 9, 2012

Lazy Update

It's been a while since a proper update...
Honestly, I've been way too lazy to carry around my camera and it doesn't help that the iPhone camera is quite decent. Here are some snaps on my phone of summer in Tokyo.
I love this "tree tunnel" on the walk to the station.
Beautiful, colorful hydrangeas everywhere!

My absolute favorite pizza in Tokyo (and currently my favorite Italian restaurant):
Spinach Pizza at Tarantella-da-Luigi
(blogged about previously here)

Indian Curry Lunch: Priya

Shaved Ice to cool down with: Koyomi Hiroo
The homemade strawberry syrup is SO good!

My friend treated me to a fancy birthday lunch: Les Enfants Gates
(blogged about previously here)

Cherry Pie: Matsunosuke NY

Pizza lunch with bubbles: Napule Omotesando

Refreshing Tororo Soba: Honmura An 

Walking through Roppongi with an awesome view of the Tokyo Tower.
Japanese sweets: Naniwaya Souhonten
(blogged about previously here)

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