Oct 4, 2011

Omotesando Koffee

I had seen Omotesando Koffee earlier this year and had wanted to go.
I read that the owner temporarily rented a small space from an old home to serve his coffee. It said it would be open through 2011 but when I was chatting with the guy today, he said he may be able to extend it another year, depending on the owner of the home. 
Was about to walk right past it, until I saw some people walking out with coffee. It's in a residential area and there is NOTHING around it.
Keep an eye out for this "sign". 
Serious business.
Making my cup of iced coffee.
Creative "business cards" made out of coffee filters.
There's a small patio/garden in front of the store where it can seat about 4 people, but there were people there so I couldn't take a picture.

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