Jan 16, 2011

Rainbow Koffle Cafe

Every Saturday, we go to the Ark Hills Marche, a farmer's market in Roppongi 1-Chome to stock up on fruits & veggies for the week.
After going to a couple other farmer's markets, this one is my favorite. It's larger than the others, the variety is incredible and a lot of them are organic. My Mom is an organic food nut which naturally rubbed off on me so when I came to Tokyo, I was shocked at how expensive organic produce was (easily 3-4 times the price, compared to OC). At the famer's market, it's more afforadable and of course the best part is that you get to chat with the famers themself.  
Food/drink trucks make random appearances here. We had seen and tried this Koffle truck before and it was back this week!
Koffle is a waffle that is made from rice flour, Kome-ko in Japanese.
I ordered the plain with powdered sugar. It's freshly made and it's crispy on the outside and chewy (mochi texture) inside thanks to the rice flour. It's so simple and a great morning snack.

1 comment:

Mama Mia said...

that waffle looks crazy good