Aug 12, 2010


Grabbed lunch at Oxymoron before heading back to Tokyo.
We noticed a lot of curry restaurants in Kamakura so I looked it up on tabelog and this place caught my eye.
Located on the 2nd floor of an area full of trendy restaurants.
His order: Ethnic Soboro Curry (エスニックそぼろカリー)
Cilantro, Shiso, Pinenuts... this curry was certainly ethnic. You can choose the level of spiciness of your curry. He ordered one of the spiciest ones so the add on of the Onsen-Tamago (Poached Egg) mellowed the flavor... yum!
My order: Chicken Curry (チキンカリー)
You could taste all the spices of the curry and it was so simple and delicious.
Everything at this restaurant was made from scratch and I loved the homemade feel of everything they served (including their drinks and desserts). Too bad we were too full to try their desserts. Next time!

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